Suresh Bhagavatula
Suresh Bhagavatula,
Assistant Professor
Education Content
- PhD, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 2009
- Master of Science, University of Flensburg, Germany, 1997
- BE, Shivaji University, Kohlapur, India, 1991
Publication in Journals
- Bhagavatula, S., Elfring, T., Tilburg, A., Bunt, G., Direct and mediating role of social and human capital in influencing opportunity recognition and resources mobilisation of entrepreneurs in handloom clusters in India. Journal of Business Venturing, 25 (2010) 245 - 260
- Mutual Influence of Opportunity Recognition and Cluster Evolution: An Exploratory Study Within Bangalore IT Cluster" by Angeli Federica, K. Kumar and Suresh Bhagavatula
- Bhagavatula, S., Elfring, T., Tilburg, A., Enabling regional development: Comparing the working of Kannur cluster pre and post cluster intervention
- Bhagavatula, S., Elfring, T., Tilburg, A., The role of social network of change agents: Understanding the mechanisms by which the micro actions of entrepreneurs influence the macro functioning of clusters
Refereed presentations
- Bhagavatula, S., An exploratory study into informal networks at a workplace, International Conference on Social Network Analysis, NISTADS, New Delhi, 28th-31st Jan 2009
- Angeli F., Kumar, K. and Bhagavatula,S., Mutual Influence of Opportunity Recognition and Cluster Evolution: An Exploratory Study within Bangalore IT Cluster", The Strategic Management Society's Special India Conference, Hyderabad, 12th - 14th Dec 2008
- Bhagavatula, S., Elfring, T., Tilburg, A., Bunt, G. (2006) Direct and mediating role of social and human capital in influencing opportunity recognition and resources mobilisation of entrepreneurs in handloom clusters in India, "First International Research Conference on Entrepreneurship in Emerging Regions", Indian School of Business, Hyderabad
- Scholten, V., Bhagavatula, S., Bunt, G., Eflring T., (2004) A measurement model for measuring Tie Strength in Business networks: The case of a Dutch High Tech and an Indian Low-Tech Organisations, XXIV International Social Network Conference, Portorož, Slovenia
- Bhagavatula, S., Elfring, T., Tilburg, A., (2002) Can studies in Entrepreneurship revive a traditional rural Industry? Cases from Handloom sector in India; Babson Kaufmann Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 2002, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Research Areass
- Entrepreneurship in the context of urban and rural India
- Social Capital within teams and organizations
Invited presentations
- Bhagavatula, S. (2006) Entrepreneurship as a vehicle for transfer of technologies in Renewable Energies, International Workshop of Asian Alumni of SESAM, University of Flensburg, Bali, Indonesia.
- Bhagavatula, S and Elfring, T., (2002) Methods for analysis of Networks and marketing channels in a traditional rural cluster: Case of handloom in India; Social Network Methodology Day, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Bhagavatula, S., (2000) Strategies to improve micro enterprises in the district of Visakhapatnam
- 'Livelihoods based on Appropriate Technologies', Approtec Asia, Manila, Philippines.
Funded Research